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Our 10 uses for :

Coconut Oil..


1. Absorbs Nutrients Better:

Add coconut oil to your food, such as steamed vegetables and even smoothies. This helps to absorb vitamins and minerals more efficiently.


2. Feel Fuller:

Take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to suppress your appetite. This helps to lose weight.


3. Energy Booster:

Coconut oil gives you more and better energy than coffee can, making coconut oil the better alternate.


4. Increase Metabolism:

Coconut oil helps to speed up weight loss.


5. Better Digestion:

Coconut oil helps to digest food easily as it serves as a lubricant to the digestive tract.


6. Ulcer Treatment:

Coconut oil helps to rebuild the walls of your gut and gives a gluey effect so you can pass and digest food easier.


7. Balanced Blood Sugar:

Coconut oil improves glucose tolerance levels while decreasing cholesterol levels.


8. Balanced Hormones:

Consuming coconut oil regularly nourishes thyroid and adrenal glands.


9. Healthier Brain:

Coconut oil helps people stay aware of their surroundings. It helps in preventing and treating Alzheimers.


10. Ear Ache Reliever:

If you have an ear infection. Add coconut oil and a garlic clove, let it simmer until warm enough and use this in your ear

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